The Problem with “Allowances” in Relationships

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In the age of social media, it is easy to come across posts and videos that glamorize the concept of “allowances” in relationships. Terms like #tradwives and #SAHGs (stay-at-home girlfriends) are used to showcase extravagant spending habits and the dynamic of one partner giving permission to the other. While this may seem like a harmless trend on the surface, the underlying implications can be concerning. The notion of an “allowance” itself conjures images of parental control, raising questions about the balance of power within relationships.

The idea of one partner needing permission from the other to spend money is not only outdated but also damaging. It places restrictions on personal agency and creates a power dynamic that can lead to resentment and conflict. By infantilizing one partner and giving the other unilateral control over finances, the concept of “allowances” perpetuates harmful gender stereotypes and widens the wealth gap within relationships. Furthermore, it undermines the valuable contributions made by the partner who takes care of the household and purchases essential items for the family.

Building Trust through Communication

Instead of relying on outdated notions of “allowances,” couples can foster trust and mutual respect through open communication. Setting a check-in number – a predetermined amount that both partners agree on before spending – can provide a balance between financial freedom and accountability. This approach allows for individual autonomy while ensuring that major financial decisions are made collaboratively. By establishing clear guidelines for spending and creating a shared understanding of financial responsibilities, couples can avoid conflicts and build a stronger foundation for their relationship.

Redefining Contribution and Equality

It is essential to redefine the concept of contribution within relationships and move away from equating it solely with financial income. Every partner brings unique skills and responsibilities to a partnership, and each contribution should be valued equally. By setting a check-in number that applies to both partners regardless of income level, couples can promote fairness and equity in their financial decisions. This approach encourages a team mindset and emphasizes the importance of mutual respect in handling finances.

The practice of “allowances” in relationships is not only outdated but also harmful to the dynamics of trust and respect. By shifting towards a model of communication and collaboration, couples can navigate financial decisions more effectively and strengthen their bond. Embracing the idea of a check-in number as a means of facilitating discussions and promoting equality can lead to a healthier and more balanced relationship. Ultimately, the key to successful financial management lies in open dialogue and mutual understanding between partners.


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