Supreme Court Upholds Foreign Investment Tax, Leaves Questions About Wealth Tax

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Supreme Court Upholds Repatriation Tax in Moore v. United States: Implications for Future Wealth Tax Proposals

In a noteworthy ruling, the Supreme Court recently upheld the constitutionality of a federal tax on certain foreign investments. The case, Moore v. United States, revolved around a Washington state couple who faced taxes due to the “mandatory repatriation tax” on income earned from their investment in an India-based company. This one-time levy was introduced as part of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) to offset other tax breaks and marked a significant shift in how foreign income is taxed.

Case Background

Charles and Kathleen Moore invested in KisanKraft, a Bangalore-based agricultural equipment company. As part of their investment, they accumulated earnings that were reinvested in the business rather than distributed as dividends. The TCJA imposed a mandatory repatriation tax on these retained foreign earnings, compelling the Moores to pay tax on income they had not directly received.

The Moores challenged this tax, arguing that it violated the Sixteenth Amendment by taxing income that had not been realized. The Sixteenth Amendment grants Congress the power to levy taxes on income without apportionment among the states. The couple contended that income must be “realized” to be taxable under this provision, i.e., they must have received the income in cash or its equivalent.

Supreme Court’s Ruling

On June 22, 2024, the Supreme Court delivered its decision, affirming the tax’s legality. In a majority opinion authored by Justice Brett Kavanaugh, the Court focused on the specific circumstances of the Moore case, without delving into the broader issue of wealth taxation. Justice Kavanaugh emphasized that the ruling was narrow in scope and did not address whether the realization of income is a prerequisite for federal taxation under the Constitution.

The Court’s ruling in Moore v. United States held that the repatriation tax was consistent with longstanding principles of taxation, particularly those applied to foreign income. Justice Kavanaugh noted that the tax on the Moores’ investment was akin to other pass-through taxes levied on earnings from foreign corporations, such as Subpart F income, which has been upheld by courts in the past.

Read the Supreme Court’s Opinion

Avoidance of Wealth Tax Issues

By focusing narrowly on the Moore case, the Court sidestepped the contentious debate over the constitutionality of a wealth tax—a levy on the value of owned assets rather than on income. Wealth taxes, such as those proposed by Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, aim to tax the assets of the ultra-wealthy annually, regardless of whether those assets have generated income.

University of Chicago Law School professor Aziz Huq pointed out that there are powerful constitutional arguments against a wealth tax that remain unresolved by the Court’s decision. He suggested that the narrow focus on the Moore case might have been a strategic move to avoid more fundamental constitutional challenges that a broad wealth tax could entail.

Explore Aziz Huq’s Analysis

Implications for Domestic Stockholders

The decision has significant implications for domestic stockholders, especially those holding shares in companies that do not regularly distribute dividends. The Court’s ruling drew a parallel between the Moore’s situation and the treatment of earnings in pass-through entities, raising questions about the tax treatment of imputed income.

Tax attorney Don Susswein observed that the ruling does not clarify whether the realization of income is necessary for taxation, a key concern for many investors and tax professionals. This lack of clear guidance leaves open questions about how similar taxes on unrealized gains might be treated in the future.

Learn More About Don Susswein’s Views

Broader Tax Policy Implications

The Supreme Court’s decision in Moore v. United States underscores the complexities involved in taxing foreign investments and the potential implications for wealth tax proposals. While the ruling upheld the specific repatriation tax, it did not settle broader constitutional issues, such as whether unrealized income can be taxed.

The case has drawn attention to the nuances of international tax policy and the challenges in balancing the need for revenue with fair tax practices. The decision also reflects ongoing debates about how the U.S. tax system should address the wealth of the richest individuals and the income generated from foreign investments.

Future of Wealth Taxation

Although the Supreme Court’s ruling avoided directly addressing wealth tax proposals, it has significant implications for the future of such policies. The ambiguity surrounding the realization principle in taxation suggests that future tax legislation, particularly those targeting the wealth of high-net-worth individuals, will likely face constitutional challenges.

Lawmakers and policymakers advocating for wealth taxes will need to carefully consider the constitutional framework and potentially look for ways to craft legislation that can withstand judicial scrutiny. This may include designing taxes that align more closely with the established principles of income realization or finding new approaches to address the accumulation of wealth.

Read More About Wealth Tax Proposals


The Supreme Court’s decision in Moore v. United States has significant implications for the taxation of foreign investments and the broader debate over wealth taxes. By upholding the mandatory repatriation tax, the Court reaffirmed the government’s authority to tax foreign income, even if it has not been realized. However, the ruling left many questions unanswered, particularly regarding the constitutionality of taxing unrealized gains.

As the landscape of tax policy continues to evolve, taxpayers, legal experts, and policymakers must navigate the complex interplay between tax laws and constitutional principles. The Supreme Court’s narrow ruling in the Moore case highlights the ongoing challenges and uncertainties in developing fair and effective tax policies that address both domestic and international financial activities.

Explore the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

This decision marks a critical point in the discourse on taxation and wealth distribution in the United States. Future legal battles and policy discussions will likely build upon the groundwork laid by this case, shaping the future of how income and wealth are taxed in America.

Stay Informed on Supreme Court Decisions

As these debates unfold, it is crucial for all stakeholders to stay informed and engaged in the discussions that will determine the future of taxation in the United States. The implications of the Supreme Court’s decisions reach far beyond the specific cases they address, influencing the broader landscape of economic policy and justice.


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