The Impact of President Biden’s New Student Debt Forgiveness Plan

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President Joe Biden is set to introduce a new plan for forgiving student debt, a move that comes less than a year after his initial efforts were blocked by the Supreme Court. This time around, Biden is aiming to design an aid package that will withstand any legal challenges by narrowing the scope of the program. The new plan targets specific groups of borrowers, particularly those facing financial hardship, in an effort to alleviate their burden of student debt.

Under the new plan, one of the key provisions is Biden’s proposal to “cancel runaway interest,” which could potentially benefit up to 25 million Americans. The Biden administration estimates that more than 25 million federal student borrowers owe more than their original loan amounts, with interest rates on federal student loans exceeding 8%. This high interest rate makes it difficult for borrowers to reduce their balances, especially those who fall behind on payments or are enrolled in certain repayment plans.

If the new plan is enacted as proposed, borrowers could see up to $20,000 of unpaid interest on their federal student loans forgiven, regardless of their income. This relief would be a significant step towards alleviating the financial burden of student loans for millions of Americans. Additionally, low- and middle-income borrowers could benefit even more from the plan, with the possibility of having the accrued interest on their debt canceled entirely.

The decision to cancel student debt interest has been praised by advocates who believe that it will help lessen the burden of student loan debt on millions of borrowers. Jaylon Herbin, the director of federal campaigns at the Center for Responsible Lending, stated that erasing this debt will allow borrowers to pay off their loans in a more manageable way. This move is seen as a step towards making the American Dream more accessible to families burdened by student debt.

In addition to interest cancellation, Biden’s new plan aims to forgive the debt of specific groups of borrowers, including those who have been in repayment for 20 years or longer on their undergraduate loans and over 25 years on their graduate loans. The plan also extends to borrowers who attended schools of questionable value or are experiencing financial hardship. The definition of financial hardship is still unclear, but it may include individuals grappling with medical debt or high childcare expenses.

While Biden initially sought to cancel student debt through executive action, he has now turned to the rulemaking process to implement his new plan. The president’s goal is to kickstart the student debt forgiveness process before the November election, signaling a shift in strategy and a renewed commitment to addressing the student debt crisis in America.

President Biden’s new student debt forgiveness plan represents a significant step towards alleviating the financial burden faced by millions of Americans. By targeting specific groups of borrowers, canceling accrued interest, and expanding eligibility criteria, the plan aims to make the American Dream more attainable for those burdened by student debt. This strategic shift in approach underscores Biden’s dedication to providing relief to student loan borrowers and addressing the challenges associated with excessive student debt.


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